Friday, February 10, 2012


Now that Chuck the kidney stone is gone (sorry Chuck, I don't miss you one little bit!) and I have the ok to do "whatever you want" from my doctor, it's time to get healthy!  Growing up I had no trouble with weight.  When I graduated from basic training at 19 I was 5'2, ok 5'1 3/4, and 101 pounds with my BDU's and combat boots on.  Then I got pregnant and gained 75 pounds!  I quickly lost a lot of that and was down to 125.  Still more than pre-baby, but I could find clothes.  Back in the mid 90's there weren't size 0 clothes, and finding a size 3 was a stretch sometimes.  Fast forward to today, and 20 pounds more than when I was pregnant (ugh!), it's time for this weight to go find a new home.

 So this week I worked out at the Y, also known as the YMCA but I'm too lazy to write that each time, 3 times.  Pretty proud of myself for actually going.  Who am I kidding, I worked out so I could go sit in the sauna and hot tub and not feel guilty about it!  But hey, I put full effort into my workout, even ran two of the laps on the track today instead of just my normal fast walk.  So far I am just using the indoor track, that's so nice to have in Washington where it rains 49 weeks of the year, and water classes.  I'm still afraid of the weight machines and I don't like the treadmill or stationary bikes because I can't help but constantly adjust the settings.  I'm like the kid you put in front of the big red button and tell them not to push it!  My goal is in 4 weeks to go ask the little trainer dudes for help and have them show me the machines, once I've mastered those it's on to the really scary free weights!  Have you seen the guys that work out in there???  Scary!  I know if I walked in there they would be like 'who does she thing she is?  she can't even lift the bar let alone any weight on it!' I'm telling you, it's a very scary place!

Goals for next week:

  •  no soda.  not really supposed to drink it anyway, at least not the brown soda (per the doctor), but I have been drinking ginger ale
  • try not to put any extra salt on my food.  it already has enough salt in it from cooking, I don't need to add more. but it tastes so good with it!  no no I will not add any extra salt!  
  • drink more water.  I already drink several glasses, but I'm going to try to drink 1 glass before each meal in addition to the 1 I drink with the meal and the bottles I sip on during the day
  • more fruits and veggies.  raise your hand if you really get all the fruit and vegetable servings that the food pyramid says you should have.........yeah me either
  • less chocolate.  but it screams at me to eat it!  I swear it does.  do you hear it????
  • less carbs.  like a knife to the heart.  I love my carbs!
  • more fiber.  did you know fruits have fiber in them?  they do.  I can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, with eating more fruits :)  bonus!
  • try to go to bed before midnight at least 5 nights next week. 

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